Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Season 2 Episode 28 - Searchable OCI, Proactive Lambdas and Sustainable Clouds
In Episode 28 of Season 2 Jon flies solo again, and laments the lack of Karl's presence.
He welcomes fellow AWS Community Builder Omkar Kadam, where they discuss Lambda Proactive initialisations, Fargate's Seekable OCI, DevOps best practices on AWS, Cloud IaaS spending topping $100 billion for the first time and using the cloud to enhance sustainability activities. Omkar also has an exciting announcement, in a first for LogiCast.
Here are the links to the topics discussed:
- https://dev.to/aws-heroes/goodbye-cold-starts-hello-proactive-initialization-28j7
- https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/07/aws-fargate-container-startup-seekable-oci/
- https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-devops-best-practices-on-aws/
- https://siliconangle.com/2023/07/18/gartner-worldwide-iaas-spending-topped-100b-first-time-2022/
- https://bernardmarr.com/commitment-to-sustainability-is-a-key-message-at-aws-london-summit-2023/
Connect with Omkar:
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