Monday Jul 01, 2024
Season 3 Episode 25: Security, Sustainability, and Speed - How AWS Powers AI's Future
In Season 3, Episode 25 Karl & Jon are joined by Amazon Alumni & returning guest, Steve Woodard. They discuss AWS CloudShell, AWS Compute Optimizer, SQS, carbon footprint and optimising workloads, AWS engineering infrastructure to power generative AI and the guys go off on tangents about travelling t-shirts, cat bed hats and hair care products...
The articles discussed in this week episode are:
05:43 - AWS CloudShell now supports Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
12:35 - New – Rightsizing Recommendations for Amazon RDS MySQL and RDS PostgreSQL in AWS Compute Optimizer
18:42 - Optimizing Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) for speed and scale
26:14 - AWS can help reduce the carbon footprint of AI workloads by up to 99%. Here’s how.
33:28 - 4 ways AWS is engineering infrastructure to power generative AI
Guest was Steve Woodard